Thanks For Giving

Your financial partnership allows us to serve you and our communities. Thank you

Giving Matters

Giving is indeed more than a financial transaction. It is a reflection of a greater approach to life. As followers of Jesus we believe that giving is an act of worship, and includes many inherent blessings. Since giving acknowledges God as the owner of all things, including the resources he has entrusted to our care, we do not take casually the matter of giving. In fact, Jesus teaches, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

“But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.”

1 Chronicles 29:14

Generosity has the power to change lives—both yours and the people it reaches. We give because God first gave to us, and we recognize that everything we have is His. However big or small, giving to God is worship.

Our money may go to places we can never go and to people we may never meet, and it’s one way we can join with God in the work He is doing to change eternities, both near and far.

Thank you for your faithful generosity that allows us to see life-changing ministry happen through Life Church every single day.

We envision a church that is a catalyst in reshaping our city, country and world: through four hundred multiethnic families knitted together in the love and co-participation with Jesus, rooted in the Word of God, equipping families to be disciples of Jesus, releasing forty missionary units to the world, and forty church planters to the forgotten rural counties of America.

Ways to Give


Online giving is truly the easiest and best way to give at Life Church. Using this safe and secure portal, you can send one-time gifts or set up recurring giving using your checking account, credit card, or debit card.


Make checks payable to “Life Church” and drop it in the mail or bring it Sunday and drop it in the offering plate..

Life Church
P.O. Box 146
Osage, IA 50461